Choosing the Best Geothermal HVAC Installer in Crawfordville, FL

In Crawfordville, FL, you’ll need a skilled HVAC contractor to have a geothermal system installed because it’s definitely not a DIY project. Here are three things to look for when selecting a geothermal HVAC contractor.

1. Look for Certification From the IGSHPA

The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) offers classes and training about various geothermal HVAC system topics. These courses cover both design concepts and installation practices. Therefore, technicians from the company you choose should have completed some of these geothermal system courses.

2. Seek Someone Familiar With Digging and Drilling Equipment

In some cases, installing a geothermal system requires digging straight down 100 to 500 of feet. The technicians from your chosen installation company must know how to operate the required equipment safely and efficiently. Additionally, they should know how to set up the pipes with the right heat-exchanging liquid, and this includes using refrigerant for the loop that enters your home and either water or a water and antifreeze mixture for the loop that goes underground.

3. Check That They Have Considerable Experience

They say that experience is the best teacher, and when it comes to the contractors you choose to install your geothermal system, it’s best to pick one that has “seen it all.” That way, if something goes wrong during the installation, the technicians will know what to do to minimize the problems and continue with a successful installation. Also, experienced contractors can give you tips about the upkeep of your geothermal HVAC system.

When it comes to the installation of any kind of HVAC system, we’re highly experienced experts who are committed to superb workmanship. We’re also experts regarding the repair of such systems, so when you want to find out about installing or repairing your geothermal HVAC system, be sure to call us at Advanced Air Care Heating & Cooling LLC.

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