How to Clean Up Your Indoor Air This Winter

During the winter months, Tallahassee, Florida, homes are typically sealed up more tightly than they are the rest of the year. This can lead to poor indoor air quality, stuffy air, and notable discomfort as indoor pollutants collect inside your living space. Keep your indoor air clean and fresh, even in a tightly sealed home with these tips.

Keep Up With Maintenance

Stay on top of essential maintenance tasks this winter to make sure your HVAC system is working as efficiently as possible. You should schedule furnace maintenance at least once a year to keep the system in optimal condition. During your maintenance visit, our technicians will thoroughly clean the unit and inspect it for any pending problems. If you haven’t had furnace maintenance in the last 12 months, schedule your visit now.

Declutter Your Home

Homes can accumulate a lot of clutter. Keep things clean so dust and other irritants can’t find a place to settle. Clear away empty boxes, packaging, and wrapping. Find convenient homes for your new items and use closed bins and boxes as much as possible to make it easy to wipe down dust.

Keep Your Furnace Clean

Check the area around your furnace and make sure it’s clean and clear. Don’t store a lot of boxes or unused items in the space. Vacuum up dust that’s accumulated around the unit and give it a good wipe-down. Change the filter at least once every three months. If you have a lot of dust and pet dander in your home, you may want to consider changing it more frequently. A bit of quick cleaning can go a long way toward keeping your air clean.

If your air isn’t as clean as you’d like, there are other options that you can explore for your home, such as an air purifier or ventilation system. Contact Advanced Air Care Heating & Cooling, LLC at 850-688-9265 to learn more about your options for enhanced indoor air quality this winter.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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